Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The First Year | Birth - 6 Months

When the girls were born, there were a lot of "First" moments I was able to experience.
Seeing them both for the First time. 
Getting to hold them for the First time.
Feeding them for the First time.  
Changing their diaper for the First time.
Giving them their First bath.
First kisses.
First cries.
Everyday always brings a new First.  I think thats the best part of becoming a mom.

I don't think I could have ever been prepared for the amount of unconditional love that would be pouring out through me after meeting these precious girls for the first time.

I remember holding them and thinking, "oh my gosh, you are so tiny!"  and they were.  Lily was as big as the palm of Kurt's hand.  But since then the girls have grown so much.  Each in their own unique way.

I wrote a little something to them as each month passed.  Most of it was written at three in the morning when I couldn't sleep.  Hoping that I wouldn't forget the precious moments these two shared.


The girls were born on July 10, 2013.

Lily Sofia was born at 4:06am.
Weight:  3lbs 13oz
Height: 17.75 inches

Lily was sent to the NICU to gain weight.  There were certain requirements that had to be met in the NICU.  Every three hours she had to drink a certain amount of milliliters of milk.  It was a battle with her.  Some feedings she wouldn't eat anything and other feedings she would drink more than the required amount.  When Mia was sent home, Lily had trouble drinking her bottle.  She had to have a feeding tube put in so that she could get her nourishment.  The energy she was exerting from trying to finish her bottle was causing her to lose weight.  I just remember holding her in my arms with tears in my eyes begging for her to eat.  To hurry up and gain some weight so I could finally take her home.  After being in the NICU for ten days, I finally got the call that we could take her home.  More tears!

Mia Grace was born at 6:02am
Weight:  5lbs 3oz
Height:  18.5 inches

Mia went to the nursery after I delivered.  Before she even made it to my room, she was sent to the NICU because she developed a fever.  I'm pretty sure she was looking for Lily.  Her fever subsided within a couple of hours, but once she was in the NICU, she had to meet the requirements to come out.  She had no trouble finishing her food.  A couple days later, she ended up with jaundice and was under the lights for 2 days.  She was in the NICU for six days.


1 month old
Lily: 6lbs 8oz; 20in
Mia: 7lbs 12oz; 20.25in


2 months old
Lily: 8lbs 3oz ; 20.5in
Mia: 9lbs 13oz; 21.5in

You are always smiling.  You still have that mischievous look on your face like you are up to something.  You've grown so much.  You even giggled for the first time when Teddy (the dog) decided to jump into the pack and play.

You've always had such a serious look on your face, but lately, you've been smiling so much more.  You always seem so content in whatever you are doing.  Most of all, you love to sleep on Mommy.


3 months old

You have been sleeping through the night and I know when you are awake because I can hear you kicking and cooing.  When I get up to look at you and your eyes see me, you give me the biggest smile which makes my heart melt.  Every now and then, I get a tiny giggle out of you.  You love sitting in the swing and you love sleeping on your tummy.  You are still my finicky eater.  You drink on your own terms.  Sometimes you surprise me and chug it down and other times you fight me on it. You love it when I hold you in my arms and pat your butt.  But sometimes, you just love to be laid down so you can move your arms and kick your legs.  Lately, you've been playing with your hands and it keeps you entertained.

You sleep through the night and sometimes I wake up in the morning and I look at you and you are wide awake quiet as a mouse.  But as soon as your eyes meet mine, you give me the biggest, happiest smile.  I love your smile.  You can chug a bottle in a matter of minutes.  You love to fall asleep on my chest and sometimes you need your paci to calm down.  If you don't have your paci, you shove your entire hand in your mouth.  You love to watch the TV.  Sometimes, I can't get you to turn away.


4 months old
Lily: 10lbs 9oz; 22.5in
Mia: 13lbs; 23in

You are such a character.  You love to sleep sprawled out.  Arms and legs spread wide open.  Yet, during nap times, you still love sleeping in my arms.  You get very ticklish when you are being changed and you start giggling like crazy.  Your smile makes everyone smile.  You still love to play with your hands.  Your favorite book is Peek a Who.  You love it when I read or sing to you, especially Christmas songs.  You also love staring at the ceiling fan.  There are times when I turn it on and you just start kicking your legs and laughing.

When you smile, your whole face smiles.  When you wake up in the morning, as soon as you see me, you give me the biggest smile and it just makes my day.  You love it when I sing to you.  You especially love your monkey Wubbanub.  You are quiet for the most part.  It seems like you are always thinking about something.


5 months old

You have become quite the chatterbox.  You love to just babble and coo and scream whenever you get a chance.  You love to smile and it is very contagious when you do.  You love sitting in the bumbo and being around people.

You smile and laugh so much now.  You like grabbing things and putting them in your mouth.  You've even begun to hold your own bottle which makes it completely easy on your momma.


6 months old
Lily:  12lbs 4oz; 24 in
Mia:  15 lbs 3oz; 25 in

You are such a daddy's girl.  It seems you always know when he's around and you cry for him to pick you up.  You have become such a talkative little one.  You love to just babble on and on with your high pitch squeal.  And your giggle is so infectious.  You're always a tough one to feed.  Sometimes you just don't want to finish your bottle and you'll always find ways to empty it without drinking it.  You're too smart for your own good!  I love you and I can't believe how much you have grown.  You also finally found your feet.  It's so cute the way you grab your toes.  You are still not interested in eating solids.  One time,  I was feeding your sister and you started cracking up.  Then, the moment I put the spoon in your mouth, you lip locked me and refused the food.

When you want something, you make it known.  Especially when it is your bottle.  The instant you see it, you reach for it and put it straight into your mouth.  You love your toes and your Wubby.  You also love to eat.  You make feeding time real easy.

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