Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The First Year (cont..)


7 months old

You are little miss personality.  You giggle and scream and it's so funny when you do.  You're finally starting to sit up.  You still tend to flop over, but you're getting the hang of it.  You are also starting to eat!  Your favorite food is sweet potatoes and you pretty much hate anything that is green.  You love bath time and going on walks.

You are my shy little one.  But lately, you have been coming out of your shell.  Your laugh is contagious.  You eat anything and everything that is out in front of you.  You've mastered the art of sitting up and rolling over and your little legs help you to scoot backward.  You just love to grab everything in sight.  At the moment, your favorite thing to grab is my phone or the remote.  They seem to be more interesting than your toys.


8 months old

You have two bottom teeth making its way out and you are starting to eat your solids more now.  you've finally figured out how to sit up and stay sitting up.  You love your puffy stars and Mum Mums and also your pears.  You also love bath time.

You are such a determined girl.  You are standing up in the crib and you give a big smile when you get yourself up there.  You still love to eat and you love bath time with your sister.  You scoot back and forth and it is just a matter of time before you start moving forward.  Your two bottom teeth are also starting to poke through.


9 months old

Lily: 13lbs 4oz; 25in
Mia: 17 lbs; 25.5 in

You have grown so much in the past month.  You crawl around and you try to stand yourself up but you're not quite there yet.  Some days you are the best eater in the world and other days you won't take a bite out of anything.  You've also learned how to hold your own bottle.  The only thing is, if it were up to you, you'd never finish it and you would just go play.  Your laugh is contagious.  You are a total daddy's girl.  You also had your first double ear infection.  The doctor gave you the pink bubblegum medicine and you hate it.  You fight me every time and it is a battle to get it in your mouth.  You love playing in the water during bath time.  There have been times when you get anxiety around new people, but other times, you flash that adorable smile of yours and everyone just melts.

Oh Mia, Mia, Mia!  You are my little Momma's girl.  As soon as I get home, you are on the floor crawling as fast as you can to get to me.  You love to explore your surroundings.  But, if you're headed somewhere you're not supposed to go, I just call your name and you usually turn back around.  You still love your food.  Anything and everything goes in your mouth.  When you smile, your whole face smiles.  You love the water.  During bath time, you splash around and try and crawl around the tub.  You had your first double ear infection.  It was not as bad as your sisters, but you still had to take the pink bubblegum medicine.  You made it so easy on me.  I just had to say "bubblegum" and hold the medicine up to your mouth and you would open wide.  Lately, you've been showing some anxiety towards other people when usually you're the sociable party animal.  I'm sure that will all change.


10 months old

You continue to surprise me everyday.  You are so mobile.  You crawl around all over the place and you have begun to pull yourself up into a standing position.  Your two top teeth have broken its way through and you definitely weren't a happy camper when that was going on.  You still get shy around new faces.  You cry even if someone just looks at you.  I really hope this phase passes.  You've become more adventurous when it comes to eating.  Your favorites are spaghetti, pizza, quesadilla and mac and cheese.  You love cheerios and greek yogurt.  You are getting pretty good with using your sippy cup and you have finally become my independent little bug by holding your own bottle.  You give me kisses and you giggle when I smother you with mine.  I love you Itty Bitty.

You my love are definitely a Momma's girl.  When I come home on my lunch break, you head straight towards me with your arms up wanting me to pick you up.  You give me wet kisses and big hugs.  You love to explore and especially love taking the remote and pressing its buttons.  You've even tried to crawl out of the room with it in your hand.  I could hear the clunk, clunk, clunk.  You still only have your two bottom teeth, but that doesn't stop you from eating everything in sight.  You love your spaghetti, quesadilla, mac and cheese and greek yogurt.  You stand up anywhere you can pull yourself up.  Even in the bath tub.  I have to remind you to sit down on your bottom.  You definitely understand me when I say it.  You still love your monkey wubby.  It is your little comfort.  I love you my little Mia bug.


11 months old

You are my little koala bear.  I pick you up and your itty bitty legs wrap around my waist.  When I try to put you down, you lock your legs or you wrap your arm around mine.  You still don't like to be held by most people.  You cry if anyone makes eye contact with you or tries to pick you up.  You are quite the speedy crawler and you stand up as long as you are holding on to something.  You love to eat pasta.  Anything with pasta sauce is your favorite.  You are such a hamster when it comes to eating.  If I put food on your plate, you stuff your mouth and push the food to the side of your cheek.  There are times when I get you in the bath and you still have dinner in your mouth.  You hate it when I leave for work.  It breaks my heart to hear you cry as I walk out the door.  My poor baby.  You have four teeth.  Two on top and two on the bottom.  You crack up when I kiss you on your side.  You also love to play peek a boo.

My adventurous Mia.  You love to explore and test boundaries.  You would crawl around the entire house and maybe into the backyard if we let you.  You have an infectious laugh and a beautiful smile.  You are starting to stand up on your own.  You have yet to take your first step.  You have four teeth.  Two on the bottom and the two on top are barely making its way out.  You definitely like to hang with the crowd.  You don't mind who holds you and you stay awake as long as people are around having a good time.  You're especially attached to your hubby.  Although, you only really use it when it is nap time or bed time.  You love your pasta and goldfish.  I never have to worry about you eating.  You do pretty well.  We've also nicknamed you Gopher since you crawl around and pop up on your knees to see what is going on.


12 months old

You are a little ball of energy when you are in your own element.  You love to stand up and cruise anywhere you can by holding on to something.  You still get shy around others.  You love to eat.  You would graze all day eating Cheerios or crackers if I let you.  You are getting a little more adventurous with your food.  You have another tooth cutting up on top which brings you to five teeth!  I love your personality.  You can be crazy at times, but you also know how to just chill out.  You give me open mouth kisses when I ask and it melts me every time.

My dear Mia.  You are still such an adventurous girl.  You are always on the go exploring all around you.  You have taken your first steps and it is only a matter of time before you are up and running.  You eat by the handfuls and you try everything at least once.  You still have four teeth.  Your laugh is contagious and your kisses are always wet.  You love the water.  And you definitely love your hubby. You will seek out your wubby any chance you get.  It has been your comfort.  You've also grown attached to Bubble Guppies on Nick Jr.  You love to explore, but you still listen to your mommy when it really matters.



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