Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend was full of barfing and laundry.  Not the barfing that comes after a full night of partying.  It was the barfing that has you trying to keep sleeping babies from waking as you wipe them down, put new jammies on and change the bed sheets.  Lily has been under the weather since Thursday.  She started with a low grade fever followed by a stuffy nose and a cough.  The snack queen had no problem eating. Saturday evening, after the girls had gone to bed, I walked into the room and it wreaked of barf.  Lily had thrown up her dinner and was sound asleep covered in it.  Luckily, Mia was not in the line of fire and she was clean.  

Sunday was barf free.  Thank goodness.  Then Monday happened.  The girls and I took a drive out to Burbank to take care of some errands.  When we got back into Whittier, I had a few more errands to run.  Target and Costco.  Lily was screaming her head off once we got off the freeway, so I decided against Costco and headed to Target.  We got out of the car.  I carried Lily as Mia held my hand and walked along-side us.  The moment we reached the sidewalk, ready to go into Target, Mia looked up at me with her doe-eyed look and began to throw up.  Not just a little spit-up.  It was everything she had for breakfast that morning and then some.  Poor little thing was car sick from the two-hours riding in the car.  People would pass by and make comments.  Seriously, unless you plan on helping, I don't want to hear it.  I scooped them both up.  Brought them to the car.  Changed them both. Grabbed some water bottles and proceeded back to Target. I used the water bottles to rinse the barf that was lingering on the sidewalk.  

Last thing I wanted to do was have to pack up and go home without getting the necessary things I came for.  Besides, Mia was fine and I didn't want her to have to be strapped in the car.  Again.  That night, guess who decided to add to the fun.  Lily of course.  I was skilled at this point to be able to change her without waking and strip the bedsheets off while both were still on the bed.  Let's hope tonight is free and clear.  Or clean, I should say.

Anyway, despite the little bugs they endured, we still managed to find time to enjoy the abnormal summer-like weather conditions in the middle of February.

With Love,

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