Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend was by far the hardest weekend I have had to deal with as a mom.  Last week, Lily was sick and as the laws of nature would have it, Mia ended up sick as well.  Friday, I had to take off work a little early to take the girls to see a doctor.

Lily had an ear infection, and Mia had a cold.  I think it was more than that.  Mia ran a fever from Thursday night till Sunday evening.  She was miserable.  And by miserable, I mean she made everyone else miserable.

Sleep has always been easy with these girls.  On a normal night, I would give them their bath then bottles and bed.  They lay down around 7-7:30pm, I hand them their bottles.  I give them each a goodnight kiss, tell them I love them, turn off the lights and walk out.  They are out within minutes and not a peep until morning.  My girls are rockstars!  Until, this weekend.

Thursday evening started with Mia waking up in the middle of Scandal.  That's when I knew it was going down.  Thursday is well-known around here as my TGIT night.  She slept on me as I watched the rest of my shows and laid on top of me the rest of the night.

Friday night,  same thing.  She had to be held in order for her to sleep and since she was sick, I was happy to make her feel comfortable any which way I can.

Saturday, we were supposed to participate in a 5K as a family.  That wasn't going to happen.  Kurt went and did the run by himself.  We tag-teamed the rest of the day.  One of us would stay with the girls while the other got some fresh air.

Saturday night was the worst of them all.  Around 9pm, Mia started crying and wouldn't stop no matter what I did.  Kurt took over and had Mia in the living room with him while I slept in the room with Lily.  Let me just say, Lily was a trooper this whole time.  She has been nothing but smiles and laughs.  Even when Mia wakes up screaming, Lily is still asleep, never uttering a sound.

Sunday, they visited my parents.  I was worried that they were going to be little pills for my parents, but surprisingly, they were great.  They slept more than half of the time they were there.  The one thing that would get Mia to relax and stop crying just for a moment, is reading her favorite book, "Grumpy Gloria"  or as I like to call it, "Grumpy Mia."

Last night was better than the previous two.  Mia woke up a couple of times at the start of the evening and finally found some comfort.  She slept through the night.  Thank God!

The girls are still on the mend.  Mia more so than Lily.  Mia's all night crying fit was something I haven't really experienced with these girls.  I am honestly grateful that these girls have been so easy on me thus far.  I have been extremely blessed with these two little ladies and I wouldn't have it any other way.

With Love,

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