Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mia | Sick Days Part 2

Wi-fi has finally been set up in our new home and hopefully that will mean that these posts will be more consistent with the non-sense happening in our everyday life.  Tv's were set up as well and let me tell you, it was nice to finally watch some regular programming instead of "The Lion King" and "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" (Mia's favorite movie) on replay 24/7.

Last Friday, Mia had her follow-up after her mild "asthma" attack.  It is still too early to diagnose it as that, so it is referred to as Reactive Airway Disease.  She did so well at the doctors' office.  I was expecting a total meltdown walking in but she proved me wrong.  She went in saying hi to everyone and hopped on the scale (24lbs) leaned in for the nurse so she could check her temp and never shed a single tear.  I was so proud of my girl.

Goofing off before the Doc came in.

The doctor we saw is not her regular pediatrician.  We will be following up with him in a few weeks to make sure that everything is checking out okay.  Especially since he has been with the girls since birth.

Mia was doing so much better from Wednesday when I first brought her in, which you can read about here.  She was still coughing and there was a little bit of wheezing, but she wasn't struggling to breath.  The doctor gave me a whole regimen to follow as far as breathing treatments - when to use it and is also keeping her on her allergy pill to hopefully alleviate this all together.  I was also given an inhaler to keep with me while she is at school or if we are out and about with no access to her nebulizer (breathing machine).  I have yet to use the inhaler and hope that I won't have to.

Mia is strong willed and nothing will keep her down.

Daddy put on a mask to show some solidarity.
 Bedtime snuggles
I don't know what it is about this girl and blankets, but she always needs at least 17 to go to bed.  No matter how hot it is.

With Love,

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